PKCS12UnknownErr=The PKCS \#12 operation failed for unknown reasons.
CertDumpNonCritical=Not Critical
CertInfoIssuedBy=Issued by\:
VerifySSLServer=SSL Server Certificate
CertDumpVersion3=Version 3
ProfileSwitchSocketsStillActive=The operation can not be completed because of an internal failure. A secure network communication has not been cleaned up correctly.
ProfileSwitchCryptoUIActive=This operation is impossible at the current time. Please complete the operation that requests your attention in one of the other open windows.
BadMac=%S received a message with incorrect Message Authentication Code. If the error occurs frequently, contact the website administrator.
CertDumpAlgID=Algorithm Identifier
PeersCertUntrusted=Could not establish an encrypted connection because certificate presented by %S is not trusted.
VerifyIssuerUnknown=<Issuer Unknown>
UsersCertExpired=Could not establish an encrypted connection with %S because your certificate is expired.
UsersCertRevoked=Could not establish an encrypted connection with %S because your certificate has been revoked.
CertDumpOID=Object Identifier
CertDumpEmailCA=Email Certificate Authority
CertDumpSPKIAlg=Subject Public Key Algorithm
OCSPMalformedRequest=Error trying to validate certificate from %S using OCSP - malformed request.
OCSPUnauthorizedResponse=Error trying to validate certificate from %S using OCSP - unauthorized response.
AddModulePath=Path\: %S
HostReusedIssuerSerial=You have received an invalid certificate. It contains the same issuer name and serial number as another certificate that you are already using. Please contact the server administrator or email correspondent from which this invalid certificate came, and urge them to get a valid certificate.
InternalToken=Software Security Device
DelModuleError=Unable to delete module
CRLNotYetValid=Certificate Revocation List (CRL) from the CA certifying %S is not yet valid. Please check your system clock.
UsersCertRejected=Could not establish an encrypted connection because your certificate was rejected by %S. Error Code\: %S.
CertDumpCertType=Netscape Certificate Type
PKCS12PasswordInvalid=Could not decode PKCS \#12 file. Perhaps the password you entered was incorrect?
BadPassword=An incorrect password was provided.
VerifyEmailRecip=Email Recipient Certificate
VerifyUserImport_p=User Import
CRLSigNotValid=Certificate Revocation List (CRL) from the CA certifying %S has an invalid digital signature.
CertDumpSubjectUniqueID=Subject Unique ID
CrlImportFailureExpired=A more recent version of this CRL is available.
PKCS12DecodeErr=Failed to decode the file. Either it is not in PKCS \#12 format, has been corrupted, or the password you entered was incorrect.
CertDumpSerialNo=Serial Number
CertDumpExtensionFailure=Error\: Unable to process extension
CertDumpCertSig=Certificate Signature Value
P12DefaultNickname=Imported Certificate
VerifyNotTrusted=<Not Trusted>
VerifyCAVerifier_p=CA Verifier
AddModuleName=Module Name\: %S
PeersCertExpired=Could not establish an encrypted connection because certificate presented by %S has expired.
PeersCertRevoked=Could not establish an encrypted connection because certificate presented by %S has been revoked.
OCSPDirLookup=Error trying to validate certificate from %S using OCSP - directory lookup error.
BadClient=%S has received an incorrect or unexpected message. Error Code\: %S
CRLSNotValid=Certificate Revocation List (CRL) from the CA certifying %S is not valid.
SSL2Disabled=You cannot connect to %S because SSL version 2 is disabled.
BadDatabase=There is a problem with your certificate database [Error Code\: %S].
LibraryDescription=PSM Internal Crypto Services
SignedBy=Signed by %S
RootCertModuleName=Builtin Roots Module
CrlImportSuccess=The browser successfully imported the certificate revocation list (CRL).
OCSPNoDefaultResponder=Error trying to validate certificate from %S using OCSP - no default responder specified.
PeerResetConnection=%S has closed the connection. Error Code\: %S
CertDumpMD5WithRSA=PKCS \#1 MD5 With RSA Encryption
CertDumpNotAfter=Not After
PrivateTokenDescription=Software Security Device
HighGrade=2048 (High Grade)
NSSInitProblem=Could not initialize the browser's security component. The most likely cause is problems with files in your browser's profile directory. Please check that this directory has no read/write restrictions and your hard disk is not full or close to full. It is recommended that you exit the browser and fix the problem. If you continue to use this browser session, you might see incorrect browser behaviour when accessing security features.
CertDumpNotBefore=Not Before
OCSPCorruptedResponse=Error trying to validate certificate from %S using OCSP - corrupted or unknown response. Error Code\: %S.
PeersCertBadSignature=Could not establish an encrypted connection because certificate presented by %S has an invalid signature.
CertDumpMD2WithRSA=PKCS \#1 MD2 With RSA Encryption
SuccessfulP12Restore=Successfully restored your security certificate(s) and private key(s).
CertDumpKUEnc=Key Encipherment
OCSPServerError=Error trying to validate certificate from %S using OCSP - server error.
BadServer=%S has sent an incorrect or unexpected message. Error Code\: %S
ForcedBackup3=To make a copy, click OK. If possible, you should save your backup copy on a floppy disk that you keep in a safe location.
ForcedBackup2=If you ever lose access to your private key by forgetting your personal security password, or by experiencing file corruption, you can restore this private key and certificate from this backup copy.
CertDumpSubjPubKey=Subject's Public Key
CrlImportFailureBadSignature=CRL has an invalid Signature.
ForcedBackup1=You should make a password-protected backup copy of your new security certificate and its associated private key.